DATE 28th April 2012 (Saturday)
VENUE SMK Subang Bestari
AIM Program Aerobikthon Subest
I had a sleepless night before the Saturday coming. This was because I've took a nap for 5 hours and above :O No more to take 3 hours and above nap. 2 hours are enough if not my night won't sleep well. Luckily my eyes didn't sensitive when I wore contact lens :D
The day my partner was Jesline and Mika. It was an eleventh hour decision to invite Mika join my school program and Jesline was under my forced to accompany me go together LOL :) The day weather was very hot. It caused me kept sweating :O
Not bad. The foods were quite tasty but almost fried foods.
The opening started around 8am. (MAYBE)
Exercise period . Afterward was some performance shows
I didnt bring my own camera since had been borrow to my grandpa and I failed to beg my parents let me bring my DSLR :/ Luckily Mika've brought her DSLR , if not I wont have any photos to upload here :) Of course we surely didnt miss this chance to take photos together and this was a great time to capture with my classmates :D Snapshot is a part and parcel in my life :3 *ignore my panda eyes please -.-
As most of you know she's my sis. Well, everybody tell me she and I look alike. Like twins. But for me, we look different a lot. Its impossible like twins :)
1pm something, Jesline's mom fetched my sis and I back. Thanks auntie be my driver the day :)
Btw the day I got my football T-shirt that ordered for a time ago from my classmate, Shafiq. Thanks for bring it ;)
H.Yan : HoYan & 25 : my birthday date :D