It's a very very long post which containing lot of pics
I've separated into two post which are part one at A Famosa animal world and part two at Jonker Street
so must stay tuned yay! (always call you stay tuned one - - ikr)
02 December. day one trip of Malacca with my family
set out at 6pm.
had breakfast at FuYong when passing through there
Hakka noodles :'9
around 9am we reached.
the aim of going there is actually to satisfy my bro's desire
he said he never been there and kept begging parents bring him to visit the animals lol
we didn't choose water part as well
perphas some of you would ask why we dont choose water part
well, we just overslept for a night. the animals world has spent our half day time (4pm something we only left)
that's why lol. (btw I was period at the time -.-)
hope that you could enjoy the following pics (maybe I wont add caption but except some special)
-elephant show-
-animals show-
-bird show-
-monkey island-
<3 p="p">3>
and the last one -cowboy show- (Y)
last but not least, coordinate of the day *,* goodnight!