April 20, 2013

#154 : ✈ BeiJing Trip Day1. 9th April

like what weiyee said to me just now, 'finally you're willing to come to blog bout your beijing trip'
helloooo, i had taken more than thousand pics back!
used a week to edit and combine all the pics, a week! really spend a lot time on it :o
after done the pics, is time to blog. OF COURSE 
hey guys! I BET this is the longest post ever!
even I dont talk too much also super long. if you have time please try to count how many pics are here

8th April
thanks from the bottom of heart to hong's dad for sending me and my colleagues to airport
 without his dad, it was hard find the last minute taxi to there maybe.

#the pics before boarding

arrived there at 2AM something. #epic face after the sleep on plane

the tour guide leading us the way to board bus after got our luggage
you know what?!
once we stepped out the airport, the strong wind blowing
EXTREMELY COLD!!! it was my first time be with this such low temperature which is 4°C
well initially i thought the hotel will be warm a bit 
but who knows the tour guide told us their government bans them to switch on the heater even cold like that
they only can switch on when winter. my god

9th April.
awww not bad, I still can sleep soundly the whole night even it was super cold 
the morning call was 9am but I awoke at 8am to prepare earlier and out to have breakfast with my aunt
(assembled at 11am then left) 

#the outside view from my room
my aunt tried to open the window and the wind was still blowing
the word again *COLD
*the tour guide told us that the weather is not so bad actually 
just the wind would make us cold even the sun shines brightly.


#my breakfast

we had our lunch after gathered

#the restaurant where we had the famous beijing roast duck
but seriously I prefer malaysia's more than beijing's since their roast duck is so oily and salty

#pics at outside of the restaurant after lunch

after that we headed to Tiananmen Square
sure that it's a must if you go with travel group

#omgggg? -.-

beijing is a jam city! every moment is jamming. not joke!
their citizens can even jam for few hours.
this caused us have to on foot to our destination sometimes

#The Zhengyangmen gate which is the building behind of me

#willow tree (Y)

#The Monument to the People's Heroes

#my boss who was jumping there :)

#our tour guide who was taking the flag. he called Xiao Sun, 小孙.


after pics, across the road to the opposite.

#Tiananmen gate tower to the Forbidden City
yes, Forbidden City was our next destination after that

#at inside Tiananmen gate tower but still outside of the Forbidden City

#pic with the huge door when entering the Forbidden City

#the view of outside the entrance of Forbidden City

#pic with the soldiers who were randomly passing by :D

#yeahhh, we entered!

#the view of the back of the entrance that I had mentioned just now
damn big inside! may get lost anytime if didn't follow my tour guide lol

#across the bridge to visit The Hall of Supreme Harmony

#so excited that saw the soldiers foot drill at there
but they made me hate them so much (the reason will be exposing at the following pic)

(Y)(Y)(Y) damn nice man!!

#The Hall of Supreme Harmony

people mountain people sea.

why the soldiers made me hate them so much?
you can see the soldiers at left side in above pic? (left side if you facing in front of the pic)
yeaa! they were on duty. 
they suddenly kicked out all the tourists who were in the Hall of Supreme Harmony 
and blocked tourists enter to visit
you know what? we can go inside actually!
my dad told me that there are a lot a lot spectacular things inside especially the throne
just because of there were some officials coming to visit 
so the soldiers have to kick out all the tourists to let the officials would visit peacefully 
UNFAIR & RUGI !!!! T___T
they blocked all the Forbidden City tourist destinations instead only the Hall of Supreme Harmony
unfortunately of us missed this precious chance /.\ 

#Behind the Hall of Supreme Harmony is the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony.
same also, the soldier blocked us to have a look inside :(

#the view of the back of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the Hall of Central Harmony

#mostly reached the entrance of Imperial Garden

#Very familiar, this scene always be shown in television drama

#the view once we arrived the Imperial Garden

盆栽? so big (Y) ✿


#unique plants



#pic with the Gate of Divine Might, the northern gate aka Shenwumen Gate.

#the view of outside the Forbidden City
next destination was Jingshan Park which opposite the Forbidden City *across the road again

#Jingshan Park. SO BEAUTIFUL

#The three-story pavilion on the top of one of the peaks at Jingshan
this is the best sights to see panoramic view of the Forbidden City
RUGI again that I didn't climb up to see T__T
since my boss and his friends were too tired and requested dont want to climb up

#just only can snapshot at below :/

#the way to go out

#that's all bout Forbidden City and Jingshan Park. byeee

#walked to next destination

#Shichahai Bar Street
dad told me again, we should be visited this place at night
since it's bar street, sure that this place must very lively at night
and there are a lot of colour the lights make the street very beautiful
RUGI once again T__T

#when I saw starbucks :9

#Bing Tang Hu Lu :DD

#willow tree again

#went to the last destination

saw the panda? yeaaa
last destination was where we watched acrobatic show

damn myself, my battery died before the show started as I kept seeing the pics I had taken lol

that's all about my day one of beijing trip! goodnightttt :***

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